Just Write
My attempt to write for the sake of writing.

When I didn’t land the job
If there’s one thing God has shown me in times of uncertainty, it’s the importance of remembering the words He’s spoken to me. When nothing else in the world seems clear, His words are. I may not know how things will transpire, but I do know that He has a plan I can trust.
The day I lost my job was the best day of 2024
Soon after getting laid off, I was filled with joy. It felt crazy, but I was telling people that I lost my job with a smile and a laugh.

Diving right in, falling on my face
Big risks and failures don’t scare me. I know I can fall flat on my face and get right back up. I’m enough of a klutz in my everyday life to know the bumps and bruises don’t last. But I do sometimes worry that my technique will be wrong. Should I lean forward or back? Should I tuck my legs or keep them straight?

Finding comfort in the midst of the unknown
I lost my job about three and a half months ago. Whenever I find myself in a transitional phase, I am once again challenged to find comfort in the midst of the unknown.