Just Write

My attempt to write for the sake of writing.

When I didn’t land the job
Jennifer Dawkins Jennifer Dawkins

When I didn’t land the job

If there’s one thing God has shown me in times of uncertainty, it’s the importance of remembering the words He’s spoken to me. When nothing else in the world seems clear, His words are. I may not know how things will transpire, but I do know that He has a plan I can trust. 

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An oath of obligation
Jennifer Dawkins Jennifer Dawkins

An oath of obligation

I’ve always been the type of person who has lots of dreams and ideas floating in my head which then translate into “to do” lists. I have notebooks full of story pitches, business ideas, parties to host, or trips to take. Then, I have a never-ending list of names — people I need to text back, schedule coffee with, plan time to catch up with, or email about an opportunity to work together. As soon as I’ve checked one name off the list, there are two more to add.

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